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Informativa sulla privacy di Puglia e-bike adventure srl
La presente Informativa sulla privacy descrive le modalità con cui i tuoi dati personali vengono raccolti, utilizzati e diffusi quando utilizzi il sito https://www.pugliaebike.com.
Quando visiti il Sito, raccogliamo automaticamente determinate informazioni presenti sul tuo dispositivo, tra cui dati del browser, indirizzo IP, fuso orario e dati di alcuni cookie installati sul tuo dispositivo. Inoltre, mentre navighi sul Sito raccogliamo informazioni specifiche sulle pagine web e i prodotti che visualizzi, sui siti web o i termini di ricerca che ti hanno indirizzato al Sito e sul modo in cui interagisci con il Sito. Definiremo queste informazioni raccolte automaticamente come “Informazioni sul dispositivo”.
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Tieni presente che non alteriamo le modalità di raccolta dati del nostro Sito e le pratiche di utilizzo dei dati in presenza del segnale Do Not Track del tuo browser.
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In più, se risiedi in Europa, tieni presente che trattiamo i tuoi dati anche per adempiere agli eventuali obblighi contrattuali nei tuoi confronti (ad esempio, in relazione agli ordini da te effettuati tramite il Sito) o comunque per perseguire i nostri legittimi interessi aziendali sopra indicati. Oltre a ciò, tieni presente che i tuoi dati saranno trasferiti in paesi extraeuropei tra cui il Canada e gli Stati Uniti.
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Il Sito non è destinato a persone di età inferiore a 16 anni.
Di volta in volta potremo aggiornare la presente Informativa sulla privacy, ad esempio in modo che rifletta le modifiche alle nostre procedure, oppure per altre ragioni operative, legali o normative.
Per maggiori informazioni sulle nostre procedure in materia di privacy, se hai domande o se vuoi presentare un reclamo, inviaci un’email a info@pugliaebike.com o contattaci tramite posta ai seguenti recapiti:
via Polignano, 74/D 70013 Castellana Grotte BA Italia
martin thomas29 Dicembre 2024 Very friendly and helpful! We had a fantastic tour as suggested by the owner. The e-bikes worked nicely and were in very good condition. Juliana Calil18 Ottobre 2024 This was an incredible experience in Puglia! I had an extra day after doing a 2-week immersion course in Alberobello with Trulli Italian School and the school hooked me up with Puglia e-bike adventure. Davide, the owner and my guide, was so amazing!!! And bonus, his sister, Livia, lives in my town in the US, part of the year. We left Alberobello early in the morning, stopped briefly at Locorotondo and then took the countryside with amazing views of olive trees and wineries, over the aqueduct, had a glass of wine and some snacks at Almond Pasticceria Artigianali just before passing through Cisternino. Davide even made a video of our adventure. I HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend getting in touch with them and doing an e-bike ride. It was one of the highlights of my trip!! Katja Seidenschnur18 Ottobre 2024 We had an amazing bike ride with David along rolling hills from alborello to longorotondo past many trulli villages, biking on the aqueduct and even through a forest. David made it very personal, safe and enjoyable with some stories and stops along the way. Can highly recommend! Inga18 Ottobre 2024 Nice bikes, nice tour recommendation, nice guy - gerne wieder! Tineke Rymenants15 Ottobre 2024 Top service! Gida Snyder27 Settembre 2024 An adventure in Puglia for sure! As a generally non-bike riding person, the prospect of a e-bike assisted ride was appealing.. turns out you still do some work but it definitely makes the hills easier. Our day travelling through the countryside was absolutely beautiful! David was a fun and engaging guide who clearly loves his region. We enjoyed a nice stop in a local bakery and recharged before a muddy- post rain ride back. My only caution to non-bikeriding or slower people would be to be prepared to also ride in the town which can be a little wild.. also wear clothes that can get dirty! V. R.24 Settembre 2024 We had a very great adventurous tour with a great guide, very comfy and modern E-Bikes and the most beautiful tracks through Pulignano and surroundings! We would recommend this everytime!! Bravo! Amira xox16 Settembre 2024 My boyfriend and I had an amazing day from 9am - 4pm biking around Puglia and we had Davide all to ourselves! We spent a beautiful day riding along small roads through orchards of olives, grapes and fruit trees among ancient farms, touring the old town hilltop cities with ease, and riding along the aqueduct. Davide kept us safe and off the major roads. Davide is so authentic, he doesn't try to sell other services like some other biking tour owners. He is a local, speaks perfect English and is enthusiastic, patient and shares wonderful details about his culture, the architecture, history in this area and Italy. My bike was awesome, I had extra power when I needed it otherwise none, the battery lasted and the bike was brand new. I recommend Davide's biking tour as the perfect way to see this area and see some spectacular views! We had booked just a 3 hour tour but had so much fun that we asked him to extend it to an all day tour and Davide accommodated us immediately. I agree with the other reviewer, David's fees are below market price for his First Class custom tour, and we too think he deserves a big tip at the end. It's the best biking tour I have ever been on :-D Mike O'Leary15 Settembre 2024 PUGLIA E-BIKE ADVENTURE - September 10 - 14, 2024, a 5-star experience & very highly recommended! Cindy and I are (ages 67 & 71) experienced cyclists from Canada. This Puglia, self-guided 4-day trip was our first land-based, multi-day bike trip, and it was AMAZING! We have, in the past done 3 Bike & Boat trips in Europe (Holland Germany & Italy). When Cindy researched bike rentals in Puglia, 6-months ago, Puglia E-Bike Adventure came up. David, the owner, was very quick to answer Cindy's enquiries. He, willingly shared his insights and recommendations on our intended self guided e-bike trip. We received EXCELLENT service from David. Thank you so much David, Mike & Cindy O'Leary, Canada Gianluca Fraldi24 Agosto 2024
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